Autumn Introspections

introspection self help Oct 03, 2022
lake reflections

Autumn is about more than pumpkin spice lattes!

This is my favorite time of the year to think about what I’ve accomplished and where I want to go next. I use the term introspection deliberately. I don’t just reflect because reflection is a look - a look back, a look forward, a look in the mirror. Reflection is part of the process, but introspection is more than that.


Autumn always brings me into a season of introspection. The days get shorter, and nature starts storing up what it needs to get through the winter. This is my favorite time of the year to think about what I’ve accomplished and where I want to go next.

I use the term introspection deliberately. I don’t just reflect because reflection is simply a look - a look back, a look forward, a look in the mirror. Reflection is part of the process, but introspection is more than that. It’s the act of not only looking, but seeking to understand. Understanding where you’ve been, discerning why you do what you do, and examining your thoughts and actions to compare them with your values and goals. Introspection leads to renewal. It leads to change.

Just the process of being aware of my thoughts and asking myself why (why did I just think that? Why do I or don’t I believe that?) has helped me understand what I need, how I can change for the better, and which thought processes and actions either serve me or need to be left behind. Being introspective helps me better align my thoughts and actions with my values and with what God wants for my life.

If you are finding yourself in a season of life where you feel like you want something different, or you want have more impact, or less stress, the practice of introspection might be just what you need to discover what you truly want.

Here are three questions to help you become more introspective about your life.

  1. What have I learned this year about myself, others, and God? 
  2. What thoughts or actions are good for me right now? Which ones are unhealthy?
  3. What do I want to accomplish in the coming year? How is that different than what I have been doing?


—> Sometimes working through these things on your own is hard. If you want me to talk through it with you, I can! Let’s book a call to help you navigate the changes you want to make in your life. 


Introspection is a great tool for personal and spiritual renewal. As Paul wrote to the Romans, we can be transformed by renewing our minds so we can determine the good that God wants for us.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 ESV


When is your favorite time of year to be introspective? Reply now and let me know!



P.S. I’ve been working on an exciting project and it will be ready for you in a few weeks. It’s a great tool to help you think about the important things in your life - and best of all it’s free! Can’t wait to share it with you!

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